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Strength Training

8 Pages 2082 Words

As you finish your run and walk through the gym, you may notice some guys and girls working out with dumbbells or crazy-looking weight machines. “Not for me.” You think as you pass by. Then you notice that most of the people in the weight room aren’t muscle-bound football players. Most of them look like you-only more toned.
Now you may ask yourself what is strength training? Strength training is much more than quickly lifting a few weights. When you strength train with weights, you’re using your muscles to work against the extra pounds; this strengthens and increases the amount of muscle mass in your body by making your muscles work harder than they are used to.
Most people who work out with weights typically use two different kinds: free weights, which include dumbbells and barbells, and weight machines, which are made by companies like Nautilus. Machines are often designed to help you isolate and work on a specific muscle; free weights usually work a group of muscles at the same time.
There’s a big difference between strength training, weight lifting, power lifting, and competitive bodybuilding. Also known as resistance training, strength training uses resistance methods like free weights, weight machines, and resistance bands to build muscle and strength. Olympic, or power lifting, which people often think of when they think of weight lifting, concentrates on how much weight a person can lift at one time. This type of lifting is not recommended for people in their early teens, particularly in middle school. Because a person’s body is developing fast during this time and this type of activity can lead to serious injuries of growing bones, muscles, and joints.
Now what are the benefits of strength training? First, strength training can increase metabolic rate. Strength training increases the body’s metabolic rate, causing the body to burn more calories throughout the day. Strength training increases...

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