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13 Pages 3206 Words

What happened to the integrity of the game!!!
(Essay about gambling and scandals in sports)

Dating back to when the Jockey Club was the leader in sports popularity, is where you will find that gambling came onto to the seen. Sports’ betting has been evident in professional sports and now even in collegiate games. Gambling on sporting events is illegal for most of the United States. But like anything else there are always ways around the system. Over the years bookmakers and several other illegal gambling organizations have came about. This enables anybody who’s anybody to get themselves in a world of trouble by placing or taking bets. Making profit off sports by predicting the winner or loser of a game by backing your belief with money has corrupted the sport and the authenticity of the game. A lot of sports gambling have affected players, coaches, and alumni. Therefore laws and regulations have been intertwined with major league rules so that it protects the integrity of the game.
There is always one true outcome in sports; there is a winner and a loser. However, the losing side could carry more then just a loss. Some illegal sports gambling have ties to the mob. And when you make a bet that you can’t cash because you thought it was a sure thing, somebody’s life could be in jeopardy. Sports analysts have said in the past that betting an unseen amount of money of big games might consequently cause great financial and personal consequences. Not to mention a persons credit history or career. Betting on games to the average fan makes the game more interesting and gives them more of a reason to watch. However sports isn’t just played for the love and the passion anymore, negative aspects of gambling and deception have altered the true meaning of the game.
Sports’ gambling is also known as running numbers, bookmaking, or being called a bookie. This so called career was started many years ago and is sti...

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Essays related to Gambling
