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It is generally accepted that information is a vital commodity for the successful operation of today’s organizations. Nowadays modern business organizations are using computerized information systems in order to obtain such information. However as, technology advances rapidly the main issue is how can an organization should effectively use such an information system - which its management sometimes can be unpredictable - in order to effectively help the whole organization structure to improve and take the most out of it. The “Intranet” can help manager’s access information within an organization and use it to their advantage to achieve the set corporate and strategic goals.

Initially the intranet was used fundamentally for sharing information such as policies, procedures and forms. However, the next intranet generation creates a collaborative medium that provides users quick, comprehensive access to everything their jobs require – files, programs, and people, both inside and outside the organization – while capturing and managing each person’s work so that others in turn can find and use it.

Just as physical work spaces rely on architectural plans to optimize efficiency, an intranet needs to be carefully designed to help employee’s access information and collaborate effectively. Because the public does not see the intranet, information design for intranets often receives scant attention. Unlike customers, employees are assumed to be insiders, able to easily locate company information. So, while the company Web site usually has the input of the marketing department, design and structure of the intranet is often relegated to the IT department.

Nike is a very good example that will demonstrate how the effective use of intranet can benefit a company. The intranet debuted in June 1997 and was accessible to about 200 employees. It was called GPIN (Global Product Information Network) and as its name implies, it is...

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Essays related to Intranet
