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The game of Badminton origins back at least two thousand years ago when people would kick a small feathered like object called a shuttlecock. The game was called battledore at this time and was introduced and played in ancient Greece, India and china. Badminton took its name from the Badminton House in Gloucestershire, the home of the Duke of Beaufort where this sport was played in the last century (Badminton). The term to serve came from English royalty when servants would hit the shuttlecock or as we call it today the birdie, into play at the start of each game and after every point. The very first badminton club in the United States opened in New York in 1878. At this time players wore dresses and tuxedos for the games, and now in today’s society it is considered one of the worlds most actively participated activities, and became an Olympic sport in 1992. (Badminton Study Guide)
The playing court is 17 x 44 feet for singles and 20 x 44 feet for doubles. The short service line is 6 feet 6 inches from the net. The long service line for doubles is 13 feet behind the short service line, this makes it 22 feet from the net. The long service line also serves as the back boundary line. The singles sideline is 1 foot 6 inches inside the doubles sideline, and centerline is at midcourt, between the short service and back line (Badminton Study Guide). The badminton net is made of cord, it is 30 inches deep and 5 feet 1 inch from the top of the net to the floor placed in the middle of the court on its posts.
The object of the game is for either two or four players to use a racket to try and hit a birdie (shuttlecock) over the high net so that it lands inside the opposite court and cannot be returned. The highest score wins. The serving team is called the in side and the receiving team is the out side. Only the serving side can score. The server earns a point if the receiver is unable to return the shuttle within the boundarie...

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