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Freeport Bahamas

3 Pages 821 Words

Freeport, Grand Bahama

My visit to Freeport was a magical visit that left me with a lot of great memories. My favorite part of the visit was the many nature sights. I spent the majority of my visit at botanical gardens and the beaches. I also enjoyed shopping at the many shops that had lovely handmade items. In the evenings, I visited the many resorts, casinos and restaurants for entertainment. I thoroughly enjoyed my short visit to Freeport because of the sights, shopping and nightlife.
I expected beautiful beaches when I went to the Bahamas, but the splendor of all the scenery was more than I expected. The first time I saw the beaches I was in awestruck by the clean white sand with crystal clear water. When I waded into the water, I was pleasantly surprised that I could clearly see my toes through the translucent sky blue water. I could also make out the unmistakable form of brilliantly colored tropical fish. The various botanical gardens that I visited were inspiri! ng with the various brightly hued plants and flowers. The enchanting waterfalls of Gardens of the Groves were straight out of my fantasies. The sparkling waters of the waterfalls looked like a cascade of diamonds. The aura of tranquility that is exuded throughout the Garden of the Groves lends itself to the feeling that you have stepped into a tropical paradise. On the rainy gray day that I was confined in my hotel room, my attention was captured by the bay and forest area outside of my window. I spent hours drawing different views from that window. The countless shades of grey, green and blue captivated my imagination.
The shops in Freeport had many different shops and areas where handmade items were available to purchase. One of the most magnificent shops was a small dark shop that specialized in hand carved figures, masks, and statues. The many different shades of wood that the artist who ran the shop used were...

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