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Competition In Sports

7 Pages 1769 Words

Sports have always been a source of entertainment for humans, from ancient civilizations competing, such as the Roman Coliseum and the gladiator matches to the present day soccer moms carting their kids to practices and games. Sports have entertained us by giving us some to do or watch. We have looked at sports as an outlet to have fun or as a hobby, the joy of watching or playing on a recreational team, colleges created collegiate sports to relieve tension in students some companies have followed this idea and have created sports teams as a way of letting employees relieve stress from the work place, people also make money off of sports or settle other disputes by placing bets. Since the creation of leagues, associations of professional sports people now use sports as a way to showcase their talent in hopes of making their way up to these professional teams that offer great fortunes to the athletes of the greatest skills. Ever since the first professional sports team has offered money for these skills people have been trying to get a leg up on the other athletes pushing the competitive level further and further. Sports throughout the world have become more than just fun but an opportunity for greatness, the chance for stardom going to the persons who have the drive and are willing to do what ever it takes to go beyond what others in their field are capable of doing. To offer these talents, doing whatever it takes may even put these people in harm but they will sacrifice themselves to be the best and to be rewarded as the best. The competitive nature in sports has grown greatly from fun in the sport into something more serious, from little kids devoting a lifetime to try and top the competition, people experimenting with unnatural and potentially unhealthy performance enhancing drugs, to the complexity of the studies that people will do on the techniques that they use in there sports so that they will be able to improve themselves into ...

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