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Title IX

4 Pages 878 Words

In the early days of sports women were not integrated into them, simply because in those times it was not their place to do so. Sports were left to the men and young boys, and women’s athletes were rarely heard of. There were few known women’s athletes of that time, and no one paid attention to the ones that there were, leaving room, for much desired and needed encouragement. That type of thinking was sure to change. In 1972 congresses enacted a law known as Title IX, which would change many young girls lives, and the thinking of the world forever.
Most people automatically think of women sports when they hear Title IX, but the law was much more than sports, it was also an educational amendment that banned sex discrimination from taking place in schools, on both the academic and athletic level. Title IX mandates that women be given the same opportunity to participate in sports as men are. This gave many young girls tremendous opportunities to play high school sports.
Because Title IX mandates that equipment and supplies, scheduling of games and practices, travel and daily allowance, access to coaching, locker rooms, practice and competitive facilities, medical facilities and services, and publicity and promotions be provided equally for both genders Young girls have excelled in athletics. With laws that made all of this a must have, it only made room for women to excel further, into college sports.
Women’s college sports have soared to new heights in recent years. More than 35 percent of all women’s college sports are covered either on national or local televison today, the number still leaves a lot to be desired, but it is up from a mere 10 percent in years past. The recent increase of coverage has put women’s college sports everywhere, and made many young women household names. In the fall for the past two years The University of North Carolina’s Cat Reddick has been a redundant name heard around the world, and in th...

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Essays related to Title IX
