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Oscar Delahoya

2 Pages 622 Words

Oscar De La Hoya

On February 4, 1973 Oscar De La Hoya was born to Joel and Cecilia

De La Hoya. He lived in a nice house but the rest of the neighborhood

down the road wasn’t the best place to raise a family. There were gangs,

drugs, shooting, killings, and robberies every where. Oscar’s entire family

enjoyed boxing, in fact his grandfather was an amateur back in the 1940’s

and is father was a professional in the 1960’s (Pare). Now, Oscar is a

professional and even though Oscar has lost a few fights’ he is still one of

the best boxers today.

When Oscar was a baby, one Christmas night his father brought

home some boxing gloves; he brought two pair for the children and one

pair for the adults. The children loved to pretend to box all the time and

sometimes their father would play with them on the floor. He would show

them certain move, like how to jab or so one two’s (Taylor).

At the age of ten Oscar started training at the Resurrection Boy’s

Club gym in Los Angeles. He loved to work out, in fact he worked out so

much he and his family considered it his home away from home.

When Oscar was six years old he fought his first match and

knocked out his opponent with only a few hits. Oscar knew that in order

to be a good boxer that he would have to learn and use good techniques (Taylor 8-9).

From the start he was an eager learner. He practiced so much that

the trainers would make him take a break from working out or he would

just keep out with out any rest. He was so good at boxing he had trouble

finding sparing partners (Taylor 9).

During the year of 1988 he won the Junior Olympic 119 pound

Champion ship. Two years later he fought in the 125 pound Golden

Gloves Title. Of all the boxers he was the youngest.

He was named the undefeated boxer of the year.

Even though everything was running smoothly for some time that

began to ...

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