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Coaching Philosophy

1 Pages 307 Words

Coaching Philosophy

Coaches play a major role in many lives whether you are a child or an adult. When one has an influence on a group of people the type of person they are and what they believe in plays a big part in other people’s lives. Growing up I played many sports and have a variety of coaches and I could honestly say that I took something good out from each one of them. That along with my own beliefs is what I base my coaching philosophy on. I wouldn’t say that there is one word that could describe the type of coach I am. I would have to say if I was to choose one word to describe me; the closest word I could use is cooperative. I’m not the type of person who likes to be feared or unapproachable. I know some coaches like that intimidating characteristic, but that just wouldn’t be me. There are three specific points that I would point out to my teams that would help them grasp my coaching philosophy; those being hard work, dedication and trust. Everyone knows without hard work success doesn’t come easy, I will push my players to their limit in a fair but tough way, striving for us to be successful. I preach dedication not only that my player be dedicated to their sport but are dedicated to the team, their school work, family’s, and every asset of their lives. The third and most important point is trust. Just like respect I believe trust is earned not just given. I will earn the trust of my players and I will make my teams trust in themselves. If you can’t trust in one another then you will always be fighting and uphill battle....

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