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How The Keg Came To Be

3 Pages 822 Words

How the Keg Came to Be

Many people believe that the modern day keg was invented back in the early 1700’s for purposes of mass storage of beverages such as wine, beer, and water for travel. That is what modern civilization has been led to believe. Lucky for you, I know the true story behind the one item in history that has revolutionized the distribution of carbonated beverages throughout the world and has made it quite easy for college students to have parties without a large cleanup.
To understand the legend behind the invention of the keg, you must first understand its creator, Maximus Tappus. Maximus Tappus was a simple man. A man who believed in the art of indulging oneself in the splendors of the world in ancient Rome. He would spend his days planning parties for the great Caesar of Rome, and his nights consuming mass amounts of the finest wines, the newest beers, and the most beautiful women of Rome. He lived an amazing life, but he always felt as something was out of sync with his crazy lifestyle.
Maximus had many problems with his both his job and his nightlife that tied into one and other. When he would plan these great feasts and parties, he would have to have all the wine and beer sent that day for the night’s events, so it would not go stale. He also had to have bar guards, or modern day bartenders constantly blow cold air onto the alcohol so as to keep it cool. This was quite a hassle. In his nightlife, he would have issues trying to pour large jugs of beer in a cup after he had finished off 4 or 5 jugs with his friends. It was just too much of a mission for him to have 3 drunken Romans trying to hold a heavy jug steady while he held his cup as still as he could. With these problems, Maximus was enlightened one night when he saw a small child playing with a small can filled with water and a large piece of metal. He saw as the child pushed the metal down into the can, how the water would come sprouting up along...

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