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Osgood-Schlatter Disease

3 Pages 694 Words

What is Osgood-Schlatter disease?
Osgood-Schlatter disease is one of the most common causes of knee pain in young athletes. It causes swelling, pain and tenderness just below the knee, over the tibia. It occurs mostly in boys who are having a growth spurt during their pre-teen or teenage years. One or both knees may be affected.
What causes Osgood-Schlatter disease?
It is believed that Osgood-Schlatter disease results from the pull of the quadriceps. The quadriceps muscle joins with the patellar tendons, which run through the knee and into the tibia, to connect the muscles to the knee. When the quadriceps contract, the patellar tendons can start to pull away from the shin bone, causing pain.
This problem becomes more noticeable during activities that require running, jumping or going up or down stairs. It's most common in young athletes who play football, soccer or basketball or are involved in gymnastics and ballet.
Osgood-Schlatter disease usually goes away with time. When your child stops growing, the pain and swelling should go away because the patellar tendons become much stronger. Only rarely does Osgood-Schlatter disease persist beyond the growing stage.
How is Osgood-Schlatter disease diagnosed?
Usually only one knee is affected. Occasionally both knees are affected. Symptoms get worse with exercise or activity that stretches the tendon and puts traction on the tibial tubercle. Signs and symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter disease include:
• Pain and tenderness in front of the knee.
• Mild swelling or a bump below the kneecap at the top of the shin.
• Weakness in quad muscle group
• Increased pain & swelling with activity
• Pain to the touch over the affected area

How can Osgood-Schlatter disease be prevented?
The small injuries that may cause this disorder are usually unnoticed, so prevention may not be possible. Regular stretching, both before and after exercise and athletics, will help prevent this and ...

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