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The Third Coming

1 Pages 258 Words

The Third Coming…

As Michael Jordan made his latest comeback announcement, or rather faxed his latest comeback announcement, spectators had to wonder if he could still do it. At thirty-eight years of age, time and gravity (new to him) would be major adversaries. And on top of that, he was playing for the youngest not to mention the worst team in the National Basketball Association.
When MJ finalized his return, the happiest man on earth was most likely NBA Commissioner David Stern. With the news, ticket sales for the beginning of the season skyrocketed and were actually the highest since the era before Michael left. Life was good. However, Stern’s early Christmas present of Jordan’s comeback was soon overshadowed by the fact that ticket sales were plummeting back to their previous state (the lowest in recent history). More recently the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Jordan’s third go-round is not presently having an effect on the NBA, good or bad.
This is a surprising fact considering how much the NBA has declined lately. The greatest player the game has ever seen is back with bad knees and less than worthy teammates, so why wouldn’t more people would tune in? Bearing in mind the NBA games that were aired last year (the unchallenged Lakers stomping a weaker, over-tattooed group of parolees; a.k.a. the Portland Trailblazers), it couldn’t be worse.
The true impact of this return will be a negative one and won’t surface until Mike retires…for good. Similar to Jordan’s previous exits from the NBA, interest in professional basketball will drop rapidly....

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