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Deaf Sports

5 Pages 1284 Words

Deaf Sports

Who really knows where to begin, about information on

the deaf? I couldn’t figure out where or who to start

with. It’s such a touchy subject and we are talking about

people’s lives. Deaf people are just like you and me, the

only difference is they have to over come all of our

obstacles with out hearing. There are so many stories that

jumped out at me, so many people that made a difference in

the deaf community.

I couldn’t pick the story that was most outstanding.

SO I decided to open this up a little bit. I was going to

research how coaches and deaf kids or teens communicate

with each other. I also wanted to see if once a deaf

person made it to a division one school did they receive a

full ride like the hearing student’s. And the last of my

questions is to see if there are deaf athletes playing in

division one schools, do the student’s and coaches treat

them the same.

I like success stories and one that I liked was a deaf

college student that played basketball. His name is Jamel

Bradly, he was a healthy baby but when he hit eighteen

months he caught a very bad flu. He had a fever of 106

degrees for three days. People thought he was going to

die. He ended up pulling through but not before going

deaf. He was teased all through grade school and was

thinking about dropping out in sixth grade. Going into

Junior High his parent’s got him hearing aids. They were

big and bulky and he still couldn’t hear anything but

ringing sounds. The kids didn’t give him a break they

would tease him until he would cry and throw the hearing

aids away or in the front yard. This happened on many

occasions and his parents didn’t have a lot of money so his

mom would have to go out in the dark to find his hearing

aids in the lawn or trash.

In high school Jamel found an escape goat i...

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Essays related to Deaf Sports
