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Did you ever dream about running around shooting people legally? If you have why don’t you enter the wide world of paintball. Paintball is an effective way to get exercise, learn teamwork skills, shoot people you don’t like, and many more. For around $100 you have a day full of fun with family, friends, co-workers, and so on. There are many different ways to play the game and many different strategies to use while playing them. Getting starting is a cinch, learning to play is fun, and dominating is a blast!
First thing is first, play the game. It is necessary to see if you like the game before you purchase equipment, which can be expensive. For the first few times use rental equipment, which is already included in the admission price. Most paintball establishments use quality products and are great to learn on. After learning “the ropes” decide if this is the game for you.
So if you are this far paintball is your sport. Now you need equipment, but are stumped with what to buy. First things first, you need the essentials; a gun, a mask, a hopper, a power source, and a ball carrier. Just remember in paintball more expensive is not always better. Guns such as Tippman or Spyder($200-$500) may be cheaper, but will perform good enough for you to be a competitor, but we all know you drool over the Angel, or Autocoker($800-$2,000). Now for safety reasons you need to buy a mask. Jt and Scott both make quality, and economical masks ranging from $30-$200. Depending on which gun you choose you will either need CO2, compressed air, or N2. Lower quality guns use CO2 and perform adequately, but high-end models using N2 or compressed air are best. For ball carriers they are just basically a belt with slots for tubes (guppies) of paintballs, and possibly your air tank.
O.K. now that you have the basics there a few more thing you may want to purchase to help your game. Pads are great. Knee pads, elbow pads, armored glove...

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