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Case Study

6 Pages 1585 Words

Identifying Data and Reason Referral:
Lenny Peters is a 48 year-old Caucasian gay male recently admitted for inpatient psychiatric treatment. He was referred for a psychological testing by his psychiatrist to assist in diagnostic clarification regarding personality dynamics and/or Axis I pathology.
Evaluation Instruments and Sources of Information:
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Second Edition (MMPI-2) Clinical Interview

Background Information:
Developmental History:
The information collected is compliments of a self-report by Mr. Lenny Peters. Mr. Peters, an only child, confirms that his mother did not report having a complicated birth or suffer hardships while caring for Lenny during his early developmental stages. He claims that he “grew up with everything” and also admitted being the “spoiled Jewish kid on the block.” He reports being loved by his mother and father, but his relationship with his father was not as secure as his relationship with his mother.

Family History and Significant Relationships:
Mr. Peters did not report of any complications such as sexual or physical abuse as a child. His problems began to surface once he has revealed his sexual orientation. He expressed that although his mother got over the gay issue quickly, being that he “is her baby”, his father had a harder time adjusting to having his only son claim to be a homosexual. He expressed that he and his father were never close and that his father was a “man’s man” which may have contributed to their lack of closeness.

Mr. Peters explains that his father died 14 months ago due to an aneurism, and that his mother has “lost her spark and love of life.” It is not clear if Mrs. Peters is suffering through these feelings due to the loss of her husband or not.

Living alone, Mr. Peters claims that he is not in a current relationship, but does participate in some casual dating. He expresses that he is experien...

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