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Webster’s dictionary defines suicide as “the act of killing oneself intentionally”. What this definition fails to identify are the causes that lead to such rash behavior. Suicide is one of the most common manifestations of a psychologically disturbed person’s thoughts. It is a way out for that person and one that the person has contemplated at length and believes to be the only viable course of action that is left open to him. The most common cause of suicide is Undiagnosed Depression, which means that the depressed individual not only feels alone but also feels unable to open his feelings and thoughts to anyone, and those around him fail to identify his grievances. This leads to a feeling of helplessness and loneliness and a sense of foreboding which directs the individual’s thoughts towards finding a quick and easy way out; leading to desperation and at an advanced level, to suicidal thoughts.

My perspective:
In my view suicide is a cowardly act and one which is wholly unnecessary and avoidable. It is brought upon by the individual himself because he feels that he is helpless and does not motivate himself to alleviate his own suffering by trying to find a suitable solution. Instead the individual deludes himself completely by convincing himself that suicide is the only viable course left open. Also I feel that the apathy of those near the suicidal and depressed person is to blame for the actual taking of the life. The fact that people are so engrossed in themselves, or are so careless of others, that they miss crucial signs that can help them prevent the catastrophe is also a cause of the suicide. Depression is a killer. It takes away all the enthusiasm and fun from people’s lives, and makes suicide seem a viable choice, even one that seems unavoidable and simple. However I feel that it is ones own duty to understand the value of living and of life and to act so that at least others around us can help ...

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Essays related to Suicide
