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Sleep Deprivation

2 Pages 480 Words

Causes and Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Everyday we go about our day trying to complete each of our tasks. We wear ourselves out and lose something that we did not know we lost until the next morning. Sleep deprivation does not make your life any easier, and many of the effects, affect not only you but others around you. It causes a lot of unneeded problems that you and I do not like to deal with.
People do not respect sleeping enough to not abuse it. If you are an athlete sleep is one of your best friends. If you do not get enough sleep it is a contributing factor to having failure in your sport. You become weak and do not have the energy that you would normally have from a good nights sleep. It can also lead to injuries because not just are you tired, but your body is struggling right along with you to keep up.
Sleep deprivation can be dangerous when you are operating heavy machinery or driving. Just like when you consume alcohol and become intoxicated your body and mind wear down. You get cozy and start to feel better. Keeping your eyes open is the last thing that you want to do. When this happens for instance, while you are driving you can cause harm to yourself, or people around you. Sleep deprivation causes many deaths on the road each year because too many people fall asleep at the wheel. When you are operating heavy machinery, there is a high risk of hurting yourself. If you are dosing in and out you might fall onto a saw or slip your hand into some gears, causing yourself excruciating pain and a trip to the emergency room.

On Certain days, people are in a superior mood and on other days you wish that you had never met the person. That is because they are not getting enough sleep. When your mind and body are worn out you do not care or have respect for anybody or anything. You take any of the angers or frustrations that you have out on an unexpected friend or family member. That in return can earn you a beating by people t...

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