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Marijuana Legalization

6 Pages 1450 Words

With the rise in controversy over marijuana, and its use both medically and recreationally, a need for resolve of marijuana legislation has become evermore important. Modern day society carries a wide spectrum of views on this age-old drug and its use. Some compare its prohibition in the 1920s. Others argue marijuana is less harmful to society than alchol. Fifteen percent of the United States population falling under regular users and our prisons over crowded with people who have commited a victimless crime., clear and decisive legislation should be made on its use(NewScientist).
The long-time argument of the benefits of medical marijuana is often the battle cry of the marijuana legalization movement. Granted, a number of supporters have no medical use for the drug, but the claim of its medicinal value is a practical one. The public support for medical marijuana is obvious, with six states having passed protests allowing medical use within their borders. More importantly the scientific support exists. Study after study shows the benefits of marijuana far outweigh its less desirable effects. For the legalization movement the most notable of these studies would be the government's most recent conducted by the food and drug administration(Wikman).
This study was commissioned by General Barry McCaffrey, the drug czar of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Arguing that marijuana is a "gateway" drug and that if it was used for medicinal purposes it would lead to greater illicit usage. In the end the study showed that marijuana's medical treatments include pain relief, control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation. Conceding that while “some of its effects are modest, and some other drugs may be better for some treatments,” everyone is not responsive to the other treatments and for individuals infected with AIDS or going though chemotherapy marijuana will provide a beneficial multi-symptom relief(360). On top of this...

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