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Policy Implement

2 Pages 494 Words

Policy implementation
The implementation of the selected option represents a critical aspect of the policy
process. The most carefully crafted policy that is widely accepted by those it affects
can flounder because of improper implementation. It is impossible to define an
optimal implementation procedure because of the wide range of socioeconomic
circumstances that policies are applied, and also because of the diversity of policies
themselves. However, a ten step model of policy implementation can be considered
as an ideal:
1. Policies must not face insurmountable external constraints. By this is meant
that the policy must not exceed the jurisdictional or constitutional limits of the
agency. This is a common issue in federal states, where different transport
modes may be under different jurisdictions. Other examples include cases
where the transport issue cannot be resolved because of international borders.
However, transnational agreements, especially within the European Union have
considerably reduced external constrains in transport policy implementation.
The Geography of Transport Systems
2. In implementing the policy there must be an adequate time frame and
resources. The policy may be appropriate, but may fail because its
implementation took longer or was more expensive than budgeted. A recent
example is that of airport and port divestiture in Canada, where the policy had
similar goals but different implementation procedures.
3. The implementing agency must have adequate staff and resources to carry out
the policy. A growing problem with environmental legislation is that the
agencies do not have the means to ensure guidelines and standards are enforced.
4. The premises of policy and theory must be compatible. At one time public
ownership was seen as a valid policy alternative. Today it may be a valid option
in theory in some circumstances, but is not politically acceptable.
5. Cause and effect relatio...

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