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Nextel Or MetroPCS?

4 Pages 1001 Words

Nextel or Metro PCS??

As we all know, the cost of owning a cellular phone these days can be enormous. Between the minutes, the long distance, and the roaming charges, one may face a bill in excess of one hundred dollars each month, similar to that of necessities such as electricity or water. I on the other hand, enjoy all the options for just fifty dollars a month! Before I found this amazing deal, I shopped around to compare the rates. In the end, the decision came down to two cellular phone companies: Nextel, and Metro PCS. Nextel was my first choice because seemed like a great deal. I loved the fact that I could keep in touch with friends and family using the wireless walkie-talkie network offered specifically by and for Nextel. In addition, I was interested in the fact that as a Nextel customer, I would not incur any roaming charges while using the phone in another state, so I started doing my research.
Nextel has three best selling rate plans, which are the Nextel National Free Incoming 250, the Nextel National Free Incoming 400, and the Nextel National Value 500. The first plan offers three hundred and fifty anytime minutes, unlimited nights and weekends, long distance included and direct connect unlimited, for 49.99$ a month. The second plan offers five hundred anytime minutes, and the same features as the first plan for 59.99$ a month. Finally, the third plan offers five hundred anytime minutes and the same features as all the previous plans, except that the direct connect service from one Nextel to the other is limited to one hundred minutes rather than unlimited for 39.99 a month.
Nextel had several other plans to offer me, but most of them were just as ridiculous in price as those listed above. I wanted a phone that would allow me to utilize all the calling features I needed for a low cost each month. Upon further investigation of Nextel plans, I found that Nextel did in fact offer the service features and plans that ...

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