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Animal Farm

16 Pages 3960 Words

Jones might come back, and nobody wants that to happen.
Jones and his men do try to retake the farm. But Snowball has prepared the animals, and thanks to his cleverness and courage- and Boxer's great strength- they fight off the invaders.
There is growing conflict between Snowball and Napoleon. Snowball comes up with the idea of a grand project: building a windmill; Napoleon says it will come to nothing. Snowball says they should stir animals to rebel on other farms; Napoleon says they should get guns for their own. Finally, when Snowball concludes an eloquent speech about labor-saving electricity to be produced by the windmill, Napoleon gives a signal. Then nine huge dogs- the pups he had raised- bound in and charge at Snowball, who barely escapes from the farm with his life.
Napoleon, surrounded by his fierce dogs, announces that there will be no more time-wasting debates: a special Committee of pigs, chaired by himself, will simply give the animals their work orders each week. Four young pigs begin to protest, but growls from the dogs ...

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