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Bed Bath

1 Pages 339 Words

The skin is the bodies primary defense against disease and infection. If this defense system is to be effective, it must remain unbroken and uniritated. Frequent and effective skin care is essential to keep the skin intact, and to remove dirt, excess oil, and harmful bacteria.
If the skin is oily, regular cleansing is needed. If the skin is dry, a daily bath may be harmful, however everyone’s face, perineal area, and under arms need daily cleansing.
Baths remove the waste products of perspiration, stimulate circulation, and refresh the client. A complete daily bath is not essential for every client nor advisable! Give bed baths for clients who are Comatose, Catatonic, or unable to leave their bed because of Therapeutic restriction. When giving a bed bath, careful preparation and planning are essential.
A bed bath consists of bathing the face, hands, Axillae, back, buttocks, genital area, and under the breasts of female clients. A partial bed bath is given on days when the client does not receive, or cannot tolerate a complete bed bath. Some clients are able to bathe themselves. Encourage every client to do as much as possible. This will exercise their muscles and make them more self sufficient. Older adults and some bed ridden Individuals need only partial bathing on most days. After the bath, remove equipment and make the bed.
If the Health Care workers follow simple guidelines when giving a bed bath they will remove the waste products of perspiration, stimulate circulation, and make the client relaxed and comfortable. The bed bath is often the highlight of the day for a client that is confined to their bed....

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