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In the film Bulworth, there are many political and social issues that are dealt with. This film deals mainly with Warren Beatty’s character, Senator James Bulworth and his dilemma with being able to tell the truth on what really occurs in our political system. Early in the movie, Senator Bulworth interacts with Halle Berry’s character, Nina. It seemed as though after this part in the movie, a transformation occurs in Senator Bulworth. He has several fun raisers and television appearances where he speaks openly on who has control of our government.
The main issue brought to life is that the endorsement’s that huge corporations “donate” to political parties has huge impact on what the government does. When Senator Bulworth is speaking at a black church, he say’s that their votes don’t matter because they do not donate money. In an interview later in the movie, Senator Bulworth states that the government is only concerned with the richest twenty percent of the population because they are the ones who donate money.
From an entertainment standpoint, I did not enjoy this movie. But from an educational standpoint, I thought that this movie dealt with a lot of serious and important issues. It does seem that the government has situations where they do not distribute funds equally and isn’t always fair....

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