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1. It is important to be ethical in today’s modern society for many reasons. I’ll give you two reasons. One in a corporate environment, and one in our military. Take for instance the collapse of WorldCom. The manager’s of this organization became greedy to make themselves reap the financial rewards. The numerous accounting reports that they falsified drove the stock price up and brought in many investors that were mislead. No longer could they cover up the crimes they were committing and it lead to the bankruptcy and collapse of this telecommunication giant. Not only did it hurt the company, but it destroyed the finances of thousands of investors that trusted the people who ran this company. As for our military, it starts with recruiting. Ethical practices of recruiters have to be the number one priority when recruiting the future military. I have seen and read in the paper about fraudulent enlistments some recruiters tried to get away with. One example is a recruiter illegally certifying INS documents. What could happen if these people were terrorists in our own military? We all enjoy the freedom we have come to live with. September 11th made us all wonder if we will continue to have this freedom in the future.
Ethical values can be taught to adults. It all starts with good management. Managers of any company should have training classes to teach this. They should show various examples of what happens with bad ethical practices and good ethical practices. A good learning experience can be from seeing someone in your work place get fired for things they knew they were not supposed to do. Also, by doing things right, people can be rewarded with bonuses and rewards showing a positive impact. I believe it starts from your upbringing, but just because some people may not have the good upbringing doesn’t mean they can’t be taught. Managers of every organization should constantly be conducting training in every aspect of the w...

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