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Global Warming

4 Pages 1056 Words

Global warming occurs when the levels of greenhouse gasses rise and less
infrared light, or heat, escapes the earth's atmosphere. Thus, the
temperature experienced on Earth begins to rise. Climate change is a part
of the Earth's history. There have been dramatic fluctuations in overall
average temperature for the past 150,000 years that suggest a direct
association with carbon dioxide levels. In the past the temperature highs
and lows have been in tandem with carbon dioxide level highs and lows,
this does not seem to be a mere coincidence.

Carbon dioxide currently accounts for 0.03% of the gas content within the
atmosphere. However, it has a disproportionate impact on the earth's
temperature. Thus, minor fluctuations in the percentage of atmospheric
carbon dioxide will likely have a significant effect on the global
temperature. The percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide has risen over
the past century at an alarming rate. Industrial civilization is
essentially driven by fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gasoline all
major contributors to the raise in carbon dioxide emissions.
Deforestation also releases carbon dioxide via burning and exposing the
soil to sunlight. Also, since trees are a major factor in the natural
processing of carbon dioxide, needing it to make up their mass, when they
are cut down they can no longer serve to absorb carbon dioxide. Our
practices are altering the environment and endangering society in return.

Carbon dioxide is put into the atmosphere in many ways; some of
which are naturally occurring and others are from human activity. Over
95% of the carbon dioxide emissions are from natural sources, and would
occur even if humans were not on Earth. However, Carbon dioxide levels in
the atmosphere, due to the cyclic nature of the carbon cycle, would change
little if not for human activities that produce so much every year. The
present addition of 3% annually to emission...

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