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Alcohol has long had its mark on the world. It is noted as one of the oldest drugs to man and has long created problems in the way of morality and health. With the negative effects of alcohol on society, the application of its uses should be a concern to all. With the progression of education and technology, one would think that problems become easier to handle and that dilemmas become more manageable through time. As for the scenario of underage drinking, even the best technology and information are useless if the direction of their goals is in the wrong way. As a means to deal with alcohol and adolescents the current movement has been made on the education of facts and the prevention of consumption. The methods that are being used are aimed at the goal of abstinence to alcohol by adolescents. Alcohol use, however, has remained high in adolescent groups. In addition, there are a growing number of health problems related to the misuse of alcohol in adolescents. With our knowledge about these issues we have the criteria to make an impact. It is my theory, that instead of focusing on the education of facts and the abstinence of alcohol, behavioral modifications can be used to exemplify safe and accepting ways of consuming spirits. This will negate the curiosity and desire for the drug as well as establish some sort of boundaries for this confused group of citizens.
The decisions that are being made in the current prevention movement of alcohol use in adolescents, is not satisfying its goals. The current methods that are being practiced are ignorant to the fact that use of alcohol in adolescents is far from any level of abstinence. Since 1975, 93% of high school seniors stated usage at some point in time (Kuehnel). This is a drug that is extremely obtainable and very socially excepted. Each weekend it is estimated that 30-40% of the youth in America use alcohol (Kuenel). The aura surrounding the drug generates its desire. ...

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Essays related to Alcohol
